Vedicfolks Sri Chakra Maha Meru Mandala Installation Ceremony

Sri Chakra Maha Meru Mandala Devata Homam

Attract Glory, Peace, Wisdom, Bliss, and Enlightenment and Get Rid of Karmic Sins, Pessimism and Darkness


Scheduled Live Stream on February 26, 2024 @ 6 PM IST / 5:30 AM PST / 8:30 AM EST


Sri Chakra Maha Meru Mandala Devata: Graces Life with Power, Prosperity and Abundance

The Sri Chakra Maha Meru Mandala is a cosmic symbol of the universe's deep mysteries. It embodies the essence of spiritual enlightenment and the ultimate union of the physical and metaphysical. This sacred geometric figure has complex interlocking triangles and circles which denote the divine feminine force (Shakti) in perfect harmony with the masculine (Shiva). They illustrate the intricate dance of creation, preservation, and destruction. The chakra is highly revered in Vedic and Tantric traditions. The Sri Chakra Maha Meru is not just an icon but a tool for meditation. In fact, it is a map guiding seekers through the layers of consciousness to reach the pinnacle of oneness with the universe. Its very form is a key to unlocking the doorways to higher dimensions.

Significance of Sri Chakra Maha Meru Mandala Devata Homam

The Sri Chakra Maha Meru Mandala Devata Homam holds great significance in Vedic sphere. It signifies the ultimate union of the divine feminine and masculine principles. Rooted in ancient scriptures and Puranas, this sacred ceremony venerates the Sri Chakra or Sri Yantra, which is considered the geometric representation of the cosmos and the Goddess Lalita Maha Tripura Sundari. The supreme goddess is an embodiment of Shakti (divine feminine energy).

Legends from the Puranas recount how the Sri Chakra was designed by the sage Sanatkumara and revered by gods and sages to win the blessings of the Goddess. The Homam involves offerings to the deities presiding over the nine enclosures (Avaranas) of the Sri Chakra. Performing this ritual with devotion helps reconcile spiritual and material realms. It grants prosperity, enlightenment, and the removal of obstacles. It encapsulates the essence of divine worship. It draws from centuries-old traditions to help devotees attain spiritual fulfilment and worldly achievements.

Sri Chakra Maha Meru Mandala Devata Homam

Attract Glory, Peace, Wisdom, Bliss, and Enlightenment and Get Rid of Karmic Sins, Pessimism and Darkness

Sri Chakra Maha Meru Mandala Devata Homam

The Sri Chakra Maha Meru Mandala Devata Homam is an impactful and momentous ritual which exuberates divine energies. It channels the boundless grace of the Divine Mother through the intricate geometries of the Sri Chakra or Sri Yantra. The yantra is a cosmic blueprint of the universe and the quintessence of the Divine Feminine. This venerable fire ceremony is an exploration into the mystic layers of the Sri Chakra. Each layer unfolds divine aspects of existence leading to the "Bindu," the singular point where the ultimate confluence of Shiva and Shakti resides. Undertaking this sacred Homam is a journey towards spiritual enlightenment. It unlocks a path cleared of life's hurdles, and generates an attraction for prosperity, abundance, and divine protection. It melds the devotee’s spiritual quest with their worldly pursuits. The fire ritual also infuses their life with serenity, abundance, and a deep sense of purpose. Performed with sacred mantras and precise offerings, this ritual is a gateway to attracting celestial energies. It promises a supreme impact on the devotee’s life.

Benefits of Sri Chakra Maha Meru Mandala Devata Homam

  • Enhances divine connection and consciousness.
  • Smoothens life path and personal progress.
  • Boosts financial stability and success.
  • Protects against negative energies.
  • Promotes physical and mental well-being.

Mangadu Kamakshi Amman Energy Centre Pooja
Wipes out Ailments, Worries, Proves Lucky to Job Seekers and Children

Sri Chakra Maha Meru Mandala Devata Homam

Mangadu Kamakshi Amman Energy Centre is located in a small town of the said name between Kundrathur and Poonamallee, close to Chennai. Mangadu means forest of mango trees, Mother Parvati undertook a severe penance in this place for closing the eyes of Lord Shiva in a playful mood and plunging the world into darkness. She stood on Panchagni here in this powerful shrine.Adi Shankara installed a special chakra called Ardhmeru Chakra which is a rare and auspicious creation.Puja to the goddess cures one of ailments, removes worries, grants marriage and child birth blessings, and fulfills all desires. Also, job aspirants and children appearing for exams can invoke the goddess for good prospects.


Energized Sri Chakra Yantra
Offers Affluence, Material Growth, Positivity and Auspiciousness

The Sri Chakra Yantra is a sacred instrument formed by nine interlocking triangles that surround and radiate out from the central point, the junction point between the physical universe and its obscure source. The term ‘Sri’ is used to denote the reverence to the holy Yantra. It denotes that the Yantra is auspicious, beneficent, salutary, and benign and begets prosperity. A person using Sri Chakra achieves greater affluence, peace and harmony. It breaks all obstacles and also helps us to grow spiritually and materialistically. By performing puja to the energized Sri Chakra Yantra, a person will receive great positivity and immense auspiciousness in your home.

Sri Chakra Maha Meru Mandala Devata Homam


Energized Maha Meru Worship
Grants Lavish Life, Success, Positivity and Fortune

Sri Chakra Maha Meru Mandala Devata Homam

Goddess Shakti is personified in the Maha Meru. It is believed all deities manifested from this great seat of power and the Mother herself resides in the form of Shri Vidya at the top of the Meru. The divine instrument blesses the devotee with popularity, power, authority, peace, a lavish life, abundance and success. It is very useful to the Kali Yuga as the Yantra spreads positivity and good fortune.

The universe is contained in three states – creation, maintenance and destruction, and represented by three circles in the Maha Meru. When it is elevated it looks like the Sumeru Mountain that balances the whole universe.

Budget Package (Upto 2 Devotees)
USD 120.00
Gold Package (Upto 6 Devotees)
USD 175.00
Platinum Package (Upto 10 Devotees)
USD 191.00