Auspicious Kalashtami Special Rituals

Shiva Bhairava Tantrayana Homam

Unleash the Power of Divine Transformation, Experience
Spiritual Liberation, and Elevate Your Spiritual Journey

Aghora Veerabhadra Swamy Homam

Summon the Warrior Spirit, Overcome Obstacles with
Divine Fury, and Achieve Victory over Adversity


Scheduled Live Stream on May 30, 2024 @ 6 PM IST / 5:30 AM PST / 8:30 AM EST


Shiva Bhairava Tantrayana: Unite with Highest
Manifestations of Shiva

Shiva Bhairava Tantrayana is a profound and esoteric branch of Tantra. It focuses on the worship of Shiva in his fierce avatar as Bhairava. In this tradition, Bhairava is not just a destroyer but also a protector. He guides practitioners through the transformation of their deepest fears and limitations. The practices involve complex rituals, mantra chanting, and meditative visualizations. These aim to fetch the raw energy of Bhairava. The rituals are designed to dissolve the ego and facilitate deep communion with the divine. This leads to spiritual liberation and enlightenment. The path is characterized by its focus on metaphysical aspects of existence. It seeks to understand and manipulate the subtle energies that govern life and consciousness.

The philosophical foundations of Shiva Bhairava Tantrayana are deeply rooted in non-duality and the preeminence of dualistic perceptions. It teaches that the universe is a manifestation of Shiva's cosmic dance. All forms of life are expressions of divine energy. Practitioners engage with various symbols, yantras, and deities. It unfurls psychic channels and energy centers within the body known as chakras. This facilitates a profound transformation. It enables the practitioner to experience the ultimate reality where Shiva and the self are one. The tradition emphasizes the significance of a guru. The guidance of an adept is considered crucial in crossing the complex and often perilous journey of Tantric practice. Through disciplined practice and devotion, followers aspire to achieve a state of Bhairava. They embody the fearlessness and timeless wisdom of Shiva himself.

Significance of Shiva Bhairava Tantrayana Homam

The Shiva Bhairava Tantrayana Homam is a spiritual and divine pathway to higher consciousness. It stimulates a deeper understanding and realization of the self. This Homam is performed during specific astrological alignments to maximize its effects. Devotees often experience peace, heightened intuition, and an increased ability to overcome life's challenges. The ritual incorporates offerings of sacred items such as flowers and fruits. These elements enhance the spiritual ambiance and invoke the presence of Lord Bhairava. This Homam is more than a ritualistic practice. It is a divine experience that purifies the mind, body, and spirit. It leads devotees towards the path of liberation and eternal bliss.

Shiva Bhairava Tantrayana and Aghora Veerabhadra Swamy Homam

Shiva Bhairava Tantrayana Homam

Unleash Fierce Power, Spiritual
Valor and Abundance

The Shiva Bhairava Tantrayana Homam is a profound Vedic ritual. It is rooted in the esoteric traditions of Tantra. This Homam aims to invoke Lord Shiva in his Bhairava form, which is one of his most fierce and powerful avatars. The significance of this ritual lies in spiritual protection, the removal of negative influences, and the clearing of obstacles in one's life. It involves the chanting of sacred mantras from the Bhairava Tantra, an ancient scripture. These chants fetch cosmic energy and drive meaningful changes in the universe and the devotee’s inner world. By performing this Homam, devotees connect with the divine energy of Lord Bhairava. They seek blessings for courage, success, and spiritual enlightenment.

Benefits of Shiva Bhairava Tantrayana Homam

Shiva Bhairava Tantrayana and Aghora Veerabhadra Swamy HomamGuards against negative energies and enhances personal aura.
Shiva Bhairava Tantrayana and Aghora Veerabhadra Swamy HomamRemoves hurdles in personal and professional life and ensures smooth progress.
Shiva Bhairava Tantrayana and Aghora Veerabhadra Swamy HomamCleanses past life karma and nurtures spiritual growth and peace.
Shiva Bhairava Tantrayana and Aghora Veerabhadra Swamy HomamBoosts vitality and wellness plus reduces effects of illnesses and stress.
Shiva Bhairava Tantrayana and Aghora Veerabhadra Swamy HomamAttracts wealth and abundance and improves financial stability.

Aghora Veerabhadra Swamy: A Ferovious and
Mighty Avatar of Shiva

Aghora Veerabhadra Swamy is a formidable and fierce form of the mighty god Shiva. He features in the Skanda Purana and the Vayu Purana. These texts detail his origins and exploits. Veerabhadra was created by Lord Shiva from his wrath and despair. This occurred after the self-immolation of his consort, Sati, at Daksha's yagna. The Skanda Purana describes ominous events. These occurred as Veerabhadra and other forces advanced to disrupt Daksha's sacrificial ceremony. It led to its destruction under Veerabhadra's rampage. Besides, specific Puranas mention the transformation of Veerabhadra into Angaraka. This is the planet Mars. The lore in the Vayu Purana explains how Shiva, anguished over Sati's death, perspired. From this sweat, Veerabhadra was born. He was later calmed by Shiva and made into the celestial body.

Significance of Aghora Veerabhadra Swamy Homam

The Aghora Veerabhadra Swamy Homam is pretty significant for its dual capacity to both cleanse and shield. It purifies the environment and the participants' spiritual auras from negative influences, while simultaneously erecting an invisible barrier against future adversities. Devotees often turn to this ritual to secure divine protection, seek blessings for major life transitions, and dissolve karmic blockages that hinder spiritual and material prosperity. The Homam serves as a powerful spiritual medium. It enhances devotees' inner strength and resilience, It prepares them to face life's challenges with renewed courage and clarity.

Shiva Bhairava Tantrayana and Aghora Veerabhadra Swamy Homam

Aghora Veerabhadra Swamy Homam

Awaken the Vigorous Energies
of Shiva Bhairava

Aghora Veerabhadra Swamy Homam is a potent Vedic ritual dedicated to Lord Veerabhadra. He is a powerful fierce incarnation of Lord Shiva. This sacred fire ceremony is revered for its great spiritual significance and divine power. Devotees perform this Homam to invoke Lord Veerabhadra’s blessings for protection against evil forces and negative influences. It is particularly valued for its ability to clear obstacles, both spiritual and material. It paves the way for success and prosperity. By conducting this Homam, devotees seek to enhance their energy levels. They can achieve spiritual enlightenment, and alleviate karmic burdens. This sacred fire ritual promotes a life of peace and fulfillment. The Aghora Veerabhadra Swamy Homam is the epitome of divine energy. It bestows a spiritual shield that nurtures and protects those who partake in its rites.

Benefits of Aghora Veerabhadra Swamy Homam

Shiva Bhairava Tantrayana and Aghora Veerabhadra Swamy HomamDefenses against negative energies and spiritual disturbances.
Shiva Bhairava Tantrayana and Aghora Veerabhadra Swamy HomamRemoves barriers to personal and professional progress.
Shiva Bhairava Tantrayana and Aghora Veerabhadra Swamy HomamIncreases vitality and motivation.
Shiva Bhairava Tantrayana and Aghora Veerabhadra Swamy HomamDeepens connection with the divine for personal enlightenment.
Shiva Bhairava Tantrayana and Aghora Veerabhadra Swamy HomamReduces karmic debts for a peaceful and prosperous life.

Puja at Agora Veerabhadra Swamy Evnergy Center
Crushes Enemies, Cures Ailments, Resolves Debt Issues
and Confers Ashta Aishwaryam

Shiva Bhairava Tantrayana and Aghora Veerabhadra Swamy Homam

Agora Veerabhadra Swamy energy center in Kumbakonam is a powerful one where Lord Shiva blesses devotees as Lord Kasi Viswanath. Constant ‘jala dara’ or water anointment takes place on Veerabadra Swamy in this shrine as he’s agora or fierce, who needs to be cooled. This is also the place where poet Ottakoothar staged his great Tamil literary work called ‘Thakka Yaga Parani’. A puja in this energy center resolves debts issues and all financial burdens. It grants Ashta Aishwaryam (eight types of prosperity), good family relationships, and sound health both mentally and physically. It ensures you achieve power and all-around happiness.


Energized Veerabhadra Yantra
Empowers with Power, Radiance, Divine Bliss, Courage and Sanctity

Shiva Bhairava Tantrayana and Aghora Veerabhadra Swamy Homam

The Energized Veerabhadra Yantra is a powerful spiritual tool. It is precisely crafted to fetch the fierce and protective energies of Lord Veerabhadra. This yantra is revered in Vedic traditions and it acts as a medium for divine energy. The powerful tool channels the Lord's invincible spirit into the lives of those who keep it. With its geometric precision and sanctified presence, the Yantra serves not only as a divine point for meditation. It also acts as a shield against negativity and evil forces. Devotees who incorporate the Energized Veerabhadra Yantra into their daily worship report a marked increase in courage, resolve, and the ability to overcome challenges with grace and determination. This sacred artifact thus stands as a powerhouse of spiritual fortitude. It empowers individuals to fight with life's trials with the warrior-like strength of Veerabhadra himself.

Budget Package (Upto 2 Devotees)
USD 120.00
Gold Package (Upto 6 Devotees)
USD 175.00
Platinum Package (Upto 10 Devotees)
USD 191.00