Vedicfolks Signature Ritual 2024

Triad Supreme Goddesses Series of Homam - 02/ 03

Para-Para Sakthi Supreme Devi Homam

Illuminates life with Celestial Femininity, Divine Empowerment, Dispels Shadows, Spiritual Barriers and Karmic Debts


Scheduled Live Stream on May 17, 2024 @ 6 PM IST / 5:30 AM PST / 8:30 AM EST


Para-Para Sakthi Supreme Devi: Embodiment of Divine Grace

The Para-Para Sakthi Supreme Devi Homam is an intensely powerful spiritual ceremony that calls upon the highest form of the Divine Mother. She embodies pure cosmic energy and supreme power. This Homam is specifically tailored to invoke her blessings for universal prosperity, inner spiritual growth, and the removal of karmic obstacles. Devotees participate in this ritual to reap her limitless energy. They seek her divine intervention in all facets of life, from personal well-being to broader cosmic harmony.

According to sacred Puranic texts, the Para-Para Sakthi Supreme Devi is associated with the ultimate expressions of divine femininity found in various forms such as Parvati, Lakshmi, and Saraswati. These texts describe her as the source of all creation, preservation, and destruction. She embodies the cycle of life and the essence of existence. Her narratives underline her role as a protector and benefactor who guides the universe through its endless cycles. They provide insights into the balance of cosmic duties and the nurturing of the spiritual journey of her devotees.

Significance of Para-Para Sakthi Supreme Devi Homam

The Para-Para Sakthi Supreme Devi Homam is a significant spiritual ceremony. It taps into the primal energy of the Divine Mother, celebrated across various traditions for her role as the ultimate source of strength and creation. This Homam serves as a sacred medium to access deep spiritual blessings. It especially targets the enhancement of vitality, spiritual purity, and the dissolution of negative influences. By conducting this Homam, devotees actively seek the Divine Mother's grace to infuse their lives with harmony and prosperity. They have a heightened sense of divine connection. They ultimately aim to outperform ordinary experiences and attain a level of spiritual fulfillment.

Para-Para Sakthi Supreme Devi Homam

Illuminates life with Celestial Femininity, Divine Empowerment, Dispels Shadows, Spiritual Barriers and Karmic Debts

Para-Para Sakthi Supreme Devi Homam

Para-Para Sakthi Supreme Devi Homam is a ritual that holds a special place in spiritual practice. It directly appeals to the supreme aspects of Para-Para Sakthi, who is revered as the embodiment of all-encompassing power and compassion. The Homam is particularly relevant in times of personal or collective crisis. It provides a spiritual anchor and enables resilience among devotees. It aligns individual energies with cosmic forces, promoting healing, peace, and protective blessings. Engaging in the Para-Para Sakthi Supreme Devi Homam is more than a religious act. It is a divine experience that redefines one's relationship with the divine. It emphasises the importance of inner purity and the pursuit of universal love.

Benefits of Para-Para Sakthi Supreme Devi Homam

Para-Para Sakthi Supreme Devi HomamHeightens spiritual strength and personal power, aligning with the Supreme Devi's energy.
Para-Para Sakthi Supreme Devi HomamOffers emotional restoration and resilience against life’s stresses.
Para-Para Sakthi Supreme Devi HomamEnhances interpersonal harmony, promoting peace and understanding within communities.
Para-Para Sakthi Supreme Devi HomamSharpens intuitive abilities plus facilitates deeper spiritual insights and foresight.
Para-Para Sakthi Supreme Devi HomamAttracts comprehensive blessings that span health, wealth, and spiritual well-being.

Pooja at Kalikambal Energy Centre
Gives Boons of Progeny, Happy Marriage, Enhances Health and Ensures Peace

Para-Para Sakthi Supreme Devi Homam

Goddess Kalikambal energy centre is situated in Parry’s Corner in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. It is dedicated to Goddess Kamakshi who is the most powerful. The temple attracts many devotees who worship the deity to fulfill various wishes. The great poet, Bharathiyar was a devotee of Goddess Kali. The great Maratha warrior Chatrapati Shivaji also visited the temple. It is said that the mother was in 'ugra roopa' meaning fierce form and later became a benign deity after installing the Ardhameru by Adi Shankara inside the sanctum. The consort of Goddess Kalikambal is Lord Kamadeswarar, an incarnation of Lord Shiva who also has a shrine in this temple. Navaratri prayers are very special in this temple and the month of Aadi, and festivals like Pongal and Diwali are observed with great fanfare. The benevolent Goddess Kalikambal showers her devotees with all kinds of boons like progeny, marriage, good health and peace of mind.


Energised Trika Paramashiva Yantra
Channels Ultimate Reality for Enlightenment, Harmony, and Spiritual Insight, Neutralizes Negativity, Chaos, Karmic Blocks

Para-Para Sakthi Supreme Devi Homam

The Energised Trika Paramashiva Yantra is a potent spiritual tool. It is designed to invoke the energies of Paramashiva, the supreme reality in Shaivism. This yantra serves as a main and a sacred point for meditators seeking deep spiritual connection and transformation. It is crafted and energized through specific rituals to fetch the cosmic energies of creation, preservation, and destruction embodied by Shiva. The yantra’s geometric configurations are believed to channel divine vibrations that aid in surpassing earthly limitations, achieving higher states of consciousness, and resolving karmic debts. Its presence in a space is said to purify the environment, bring mental clarity, and promote an uninterrupted flow of positive energies. It aligns the devotee with the universal truths and facilitates a journey towards spiritual enlightenment.

Budget Package (Upto 2 Devotees)
USD 120.00
  • Para-Para Sakthi Supreme Devi Homam
Gold Package (Upto 6 Devotees)
USD 175.00
Platinum Package (Upto 10 Devotees)
USD 191.00