Durgashtami/ Dhumavathi Jayanthi 2024 Special Rituals

Jaya, Vijaya, Jayanthi, Aparajitha Chatur-Chandi Samedha Dhumavathi Mahavidya Homam

Summon Supreme Victory, Invoke Unconquerable Spirits,
Celebrate Divine Feminine Power, Unleash the Divine Force

Tumburu Bhairava Homam

Awaken Fierce Protection, Channel Divine Interventions, Receive the Vigilant Spirit of Tumburu, Cultivate Boundless Courage and Resolve


Scheduled Live Stream on Jun 14, 2024 @ 6 PM IST / 5:30 AM PST / 8:30 AM EST


Jaya, Vijaya, Jayanthi, Aparajitha Chatur-Chandi Samedha Dhumavathi Mahavidya: The Mighty Group of Divinities

Dhumavathi Jayanthi 2024

Jaya and Vijaya are significant figures known as the gatekeepers of Vaikuntha in the Vedic domain. Vaikuntha is the celestial abode of Lord Vishnu. According to the Bhagavata Purana, Jaya and Vijaya were cursed by the Four Kumaras: Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana, and Sanatkumara. The curse was to be born on Earth because they had failed to recognize these revered sages and denied them entry to Vaikuntha. This event is crucial because it accentuates themes of humility and the dire consequences of arrogance.

Lord Vishnu intervened and offered Jaya and Vijaya two choices for their mortal incarnations: either seven births as his devotees or three births as his enemies. They preferred quicker reunification with Vishnu thus they chose three births as his adversaries. It led to their incarnations as major antagonistic figures in different ages: Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu in the Satya Yuga, Ravana and Kumbhakarna in the Treta Yuga, and Shishupala and Dantavakra in the Dwapara Yuga. Each time, they were vanquished by avatars of Vishnu which are Varaha, Rama, and Krishna, respectively. Their story not only highlights the cyclical nature of life and karma in the Vedic world but also teaches about the inevitable downfall that comes from ego and the redemption that follows sincere devotion and humility.

Dhumavathi Jayanthi 2024

Aparajitha Chatur-Chandi is the invincible form of Goddess Chandi who is a fierce manifestation of Goddess Durga. Chandi is revered for her power in overcoming all obstacles and enemies. She embodies the victorious aspect of the goddess. The Chatur-Chandi form signifies the fourfold aspects of this power which represents a complete circle of protection and victory over adversities.

Dhumavathi Mahavidya on the other hand is one of the ten Mahavidyas. She represents the divine's more somber and detached aspect. Dhumavathi is depicted as an old and ugly widow. She is many times associated with inauspicious things and deemed a form of Goddess Shakti in her fierce form. She exemplifies the dissolution of all things, which is a crucial aspect of the cycle of birth, life, and death. She reminds devotees of the impermanence of life and the material world. This Mahavidya challenges conventional norms by embodying the form of the Goddess that is linked with desolation and adversity. She teaches the wisdom that comes from life’s harsh truths.

Dhumavathi Jayanthi 2024

There is a significant legend associated with Goddess Dhumavati. During an instance of deep meditation by Lord Shiva, Goddess Parvati approached him, curious to learn the secret behind his deep concentration. So absorbed was Shiva in his meditation that he failed to respond to Parvati's inquiry. Frustrated by his silence, Parvati swallowed Shiva whole. Due to the poison inherent in Shiva's body, Parvati began to emit fumes and a great amount of smoke. Shiva became very distressed and pleaded for release. When Parvati obliged and let him go, he, in turn, cursed her to assume the form of a widow. Henceforth, Parvati was known as Dhumavati which signifies one who is composed of smoke and fumes. Dhumavati is depicted as a widow and considered inauspicious, yet she is revered for her formidable powers.

Together, these aspects create a profound spiritual story that celebrates the strength and transformative power of the Goddess. This fusion encourages devotees to welcome not only the protective and victorious nature of the divine but also its role in the destruction of the old and the creation of space for new beginnings. The celebration and rituals associated with Jaya, Vijaya, Jayanthi, Aparajitha Chatur-Chandi Samedha Dhumavathi Mahavidya thus epitomize a holistic view of life's challenges and the divine power available to overcome them.

Significance of Jaya, Vijaya, Jayanthi, Aparajitha Chatur-Chandi Samedha Dhumavathi Mahavidya Homam

The specific invocation of these deities in a combined Homam is rare and signifies the unification of their unique powers. Chatur-Chandi brings together the energies of Maha Kali, Maha Lakshmi, Maha Saraswati, and Goddess Chandi, each deity adding layers of protection, prosperity, knowledge, and power to the ritual. Dhumavathi is depicted as an old and forgotten goddess. She adds an intense layer of protection against all forms of negativities and ill-wishes. This Homam is performed with elaborate rituals that include several offerings and recitations. It strives to create a powerful shield and spiritual upliftment for the participants. The Homam is not only a religious act but also a sacred spiritual gathering that brings about significant life changes through divine intervention.

Jaya, Vijaya, Jayanthi, Aparajitha Chatur-Chandi Samedha Dhumavathi Mahavidya Homam

Summon Supreme Victory, Invoke Unconquerable Spirits, Celebrate Divine Feminine Power, Unleash the Divine Force

The Jaya, Vijaya, Jayanthi, Aparajitha Chatur-Chandi Samedha Dhumavathi Mahavidya Homam is a powerful spiritual Vedic ritual. It is performed to invoke multiple aspects of the divine feminine. This Homam integrates the powerful energies of different goddesses namely Chatur-Chandi who embodies four forms of Goddess Chandi, and Dhumavathi who is one of the ten Mahavidyas in the Vedic domain. She signifies the void and the divine power of overcoming negativities and obstacles. The ritual is performed for protection, victory, and the destruction of negative forces, and is especially potent when seeking divine help to triumph over adversities and challenges in life.

Benefits of Jaya, Vijaya, Jayanthi, Aparajitha Chatur-Chandi Samedha Dhumavathi Mahavidya Homam

  • Invokes divine protection and wards off negative influences.
  • Helps in surmounting spiritual and personal hurdles.
  • Facilitates cleansing of the spiritual path and nurtures clearer understanding.
  • Guarantees victory in various personal and professional endeavors.
  • Reinforces moral integrity and deepens spiritual devotion.

Tumburu Bhairava: Fierce
Reptile Avatar of Lord Shiva as Rudra

Tumburu Bhairava is an intriguing and lesser-known manifestation of Lord Shiva. He embodies the fierce aspect of Rudra or the mighty Vedic storm god. As Tumburu Bhairava, Shiva takes on the form of a reptilian deity. He embodies the raw, untamed forces of nature and the cycle of creation and destruction. This avatar is depicted with a formidable appearance. It includes sharp, elongated fangs and scales that shimmer with the hues of a thunderstorm. His eyes are fiery and penetrating which mirror his role as a destroyer of evil and protector of the universe. In this avatar, Shiva is not just a destructor but also a regenerator who emphasizes the belief that every end is a precursor to a new beginning.

The worship of Tumburu Bhairava is rooted in the esoteric practices of Tantra. In tantric traditions, he is revered as a powerful guardian against negative forces and a guide to spiritual transformation. Devotees approach him for protection and the removal of obstacles that hinder spiritual growth. His temples are rare and are usually placed in secluded areas which embodies his connection with the wilderness and the marginal spaces of human habitation. Rituals earmarked to Tumburu Bhairava involve offerings that are as fierce as his demeanor. It includes red flowers and the recitation of powerful mantras. This avatar's unique characteristics and rituals highlight the multifaceted nature of Shiva. It serves as a reminder of his role as a complex deity capable of both fury and benevolence.

Significance of Tumburu Bhairava Homam

The Tumburu Bhairava Homam is conducted to enhance the spiritual growth of the devotees. It helps them to overcome fears, achieve inner peace, and gain the strength to face life's challenges. By performing this Homam, devotees can achieve the energies of Tumburu Bhairava to stabilize their lives, improve their mental clarity, and attain a higher state of consciousness. This ritual is particularly powerful during specific astrological alignments. It is essential for those undergoing significant life transitions or seeking to mitigate afflictions in their astrological charts.

Tumburu Bhairava Homam

Awaken Fierce Protection, Channel Divine Interventions, Receive the Vigilant Spirit of Tumburu, Cultivate Boundless Courage and Resolve

Dhumavathi Jayanthi 2024

The Tumburu Bhairava Homam is a highly significant Vedic ritual committed to Lord Bhairava. He is one of the fierce manifestations of Lord Shiva. This Homam is specifically performed to invoke the blessings of Tumburu Bhairava. Tumburu avatar of Bhairava is revered for his capacity to remove obstacles, protect against negative influences, and promote success in all tasks. Devotees of this sacred fire ceremony seek spiritual cleansing and the protection from evil. They also reap the resolution of problems related to spirits and negative energies.

Benefits of Tumburu Bhairava Homam

  • Enriches spiritual awareness and connection plus promotes inner peace and enlightenment.
  • Helps in removing obstacles and negative influences.
  • Bestows protection against evil forces and negative energy.
  • Contributes to improved health and well-being by reducing stress and promoting mental clarity.
  • Attracts prosperity and success and enhances financial stability and opportunities for wealth accumulation.

Puja at Samayapuram Mariamman Energy Center
Mitigates Disabilities, Enables Vision, Ensures Business
Growth and Fulfills Wishes

Dhumavathi Jayanthi 2024

Samayapuram Mariamman Energy Center is a very famous shrine situated in Samayapuram, near Tiruchirappalli in Tamil Nadu. Fondly called Samayapurathal, the Goddess Mariamman of the temple is made of sand and clay, and therefore no ‘abhishekam’ is performed on the main idol while ablutions take place on a smaller idol made of stone, which is placed in front of the main deity. An avatar of goddess Durga, Mariamman eradicates plagues, measles, poxes, and pandemics. She is the goddess of the downtrodden called the ‘Gramadevata’ or village deity. A puja to this benign goddess is believed to grant all wishes of devotees, she enables the vision to the sightless and relieves people of their disabilities. People also worship her for good agricultural yield, business development, and prosperity.


Energized Chandi Idol Worship
Greet Power, Protection, Abundance, Sacred Bliss and Prosperity

Dhumavathi Jayanthi 2024

Energized Chandi Idol Worship involves the veneration of Goddess Chandi. She is a fierce form of the Goddess Durga who signifies the primordial energy. The worship of the energized idol is seen as a medium for divine blessings. It encapsulates strength, courage, and the warrior spirit needed to overcome obstacles and negative influences. This form of Pooja emphasizes the Goddess's protective and nurturing aspects. It invokes her grace for empowerment, spiritual growth, and the removal of barriers to progress. Goddess Chandi is worshipped through the recitation of the Durga Saptashati or the Chandi Path. She embodies the power to transform challenges into opportunities for spiritual and material advancement. Devotees participate in this Pooja with the belief that it brings glory, serendipity, and peace. She brings a harmonious balance between the physical and spiritual realms.

Budget Package (Upto 2 Devotees)
USD 120.00
Gold Package (Upto 6 Devotees)
USD 175.00
Platinum Package (Upto 10 Devotees)
USD 191.00