Power-Packed Rituals on

Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga Homam Papamochani EkadasiBindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga Homam

Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamPradosham SpecialBindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga Homam

Bindu Madhava Homam, Narad Narayana Homam and Sankat Mochan Hanuman Homam

Greet Life's Essence, Showering Blessings of Prosperity, Bliss, and Spiritual Clarity, Obtain Divine Grace, Dispelling Distress and Bestowing Strength

Saptarishi Linga Homam

Cherishes with Bliss, Contentment, Radiance, Wards Off Evil, Negativity and Adversities


Scheduled Live Stream on April 05 and 06, 2024 @ 6 PM IST / 5:30 AM PST / 8:30 AM EST


Day 01: Bindu Madhava Homam, Narad Narayana Homam and Sankat Mochan Hanuman Homam

Greet Life's Essence, Showering Blessings of Prosperity, Bliss, and Spiritual Clarity, Obtain Divine Grace, Dispelling Distress and Bestowing Strength

Scheduled Live Stream on April 05, 2024 @ 6 PM IST / 5:30 AM PST / 8:30 AM EST


Bindu Madhava: Rare Avatar of Lord Vishnu who Pours Divine Aura

Bindu Madhava is an intriguing yet less commonly known manifestation of Lord Vishnu. He is celebrated in several ancient Indian Puranas. This avatar embodies the synthesis of cosmic and individual well-being. His lore is sprinkled across sacred texts, is especially revered in places like Varanasi, where the Bindu Madhava temple stands on the banks of the Ganges. It marks a spot of profound and impactful spiritual significance.

The Skanda Purana, among other texts, gloriously mentions and references Bindu Madhava. They illustrate his role not just as a preserver of the universe but also as a symbol of cosmic unity. The stories often depict him as the focal point of cosmic energy ('Bindu') and as 'Madhava', the lord of knowledge and the consort of the goddess of wealth, Lakshmi. This intertwining of attributes highlights the holistic vision of the divine in Vedic sphere, where the deity is seen as a confluence of various cosmic and ethical principles. He guides devotees towards a life of dharma (righteousness) and gnana (knowledge). Through these stories, Bindu Madhava emerges not just as a figure of worship but as a philosophical anchor. He encourages a balanced and harmonious approach to both the spiritual and the material realms.

Bindu Madhava Homam

Cherishes with Bliss, Contentment, Removes Sufferings and All Sorts of Pains

Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga Homam

The process of conducting a Bindu Madhava Homam involves careful Vedic rituals that begin with the invocation of Lord Ganesha to remove obstacles. It is followed by the main ritual of invoking Lord Bindu Madhava. Priests chant sacred mantras and offer oblations to the fire, which is a divine witness and the medium through which offerings reach the deity. The Homam includes the offering of specific herbs, grains, and other items into the sacred fire. Each sacred entity is chosen for their ability to attract positive energies and bestow blessings upon the devotees. The ceremony culminates with the Poornahuti, the final offering signifying the completion of the Homam. It also includes seeking the blessings of Bindu Madhava for prosperity, health, and spiritual growth.

Vedicfolks is here to facilitate the performance of this important fire ritual with the help of experienced Vedic priests who are well-versed in the traditional procedures and mantras. You can receive the abundant blessings of the supreme avatar of Lord Vishnu, Bindu Madhava with our assistance in executing Bindu Madhava Homam.

Benefits of Bindu Madhava Homam

Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamEnhances spiritual understanding and inner peace.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamClears hurdles in life's path for smoother progress.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamPromotes physical and mental well-being.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamAttracts wealth and financial stability.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamImproves familial and social connections.



Narada Narayana: Elevating Spirits and Unites with the Divine Power

Narada Narayana represents an impactful composite of Narada Muni. He is the celestial sage known for his eternal devotion to Lord Vishnu (Narayana). According to legends and various Puranas, including the Bhagavata Purana, Narada is depicted as a divine messenger. He is a nomadic sage who travels the cosmos, playing his veena, singing the glories of Lord Vishnu, and imparting wisdom. His tales are pivotal in illustrating the essence of Bhakti yoga and the power of devotion in achieving spiritual enlightenment. Narada Narayana is a principal deity in the Vedic sphere. He epitomises the preservation of the universe and the upliftment of dharma. The mighty deity advocates a life of righteous action, constant remembrance of the divine, and the pursuit of spiritual knowledge.

Narada Narayana Homam

Showers Blessings of Prosperity, Gifts a Life Drenched in Contentment and Divine Grace

Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga Homam

The Narada Narayana Homam is a revered Vedic ritual designed to invoke the blessings of Narada Muni and Lord Narayana. It signifies the ultimate fusion of divine wisdom and supreme guardianship. This homam plays a pivotal role in enhancing communication skills, spiritual growth, and the attainment of Bhakti (devotion) towards the divine. By conducting this sacred fire ceremony, devotees aim to emulate Narada Muni's ceaseless devotion to Lord Vishnu (Narayana) and his exemplary role as a divine sage. The sacred fire ritual traverses the cosmos to spread the essence of truth, devotion, and Narayana's glory.

The process involves precise rituals including the chanting of specific mantras dedicated to Narada Muni and Narayana. It includes offering of sacred materials into the holy fire, and performing Puja to invite their divine presence and blessings. This Homam is particularly significant for those seeking to deepen their spiritual path, improve their oratory and communication abilities, and live a life aligned with divine virtues. The grace of Narada Muni and Narayana through this Homam promises to guide individuals towards righteous living, enhanced devotion, and the peaceful resolution of life's challenges.

Benefits of Narad Narayana Homam

Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamPromotes spiritual growth and enlightenment.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamGrants wisdom and clarity in decision-making.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamCleanses past karma and negative influences.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamShields against evil and negativity.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamBoosts prosperity and achievement of goals.



Sankat Mochan Hanuman: Vanquishes Adversity, Empowers Spirits

Sankat Mochan Hanuman embodies the ultimate saviour and he is a symbol of unwavering devotion and strength. He is revered for his extraordinary power to remove the most daunting obstacles. Through the Sankat Mochan Hanuman Homam, devotees connect with his divine energy. They seek peace, courage and refuge from life's trials. This ritual is deeply ingrained in Vedic tradition as it brings Hanuman's blessings for courage, health, and success. It's a spiritual call to the mighty deity, inviting his presence into our lives, to clear paths, heal spirits, and fortify resolve. Hanuman's legacy is rooted in tales of his undying loyalty and might, and continues to inspire and guide.

Sankat Mochan Hanuman Homam

Dispels Distress, Bestows Strength: Embrace the Protective Grace of Lord Hanuman

Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga Homam

Sankat Mochan Hanuman Homam enhances physical and mental vitality. It instils vitality, courage and confidence to face life's challenges. Engaging in the Sankat Mochan Hanuman Homam opens the doors to divine grace. It guides individuals towards success, health, and spiritual advancement. The core of the homam is the invocation of Lord Hanuman and chanting powerful mantras. The fire ritual signifies the complete surrender and devotion of the participants. This spiritual practice is an impactful way to connect with the divine energy of Lord Hanuman. It draws his protective and benevolent gaze upon those who partake in the rituals with faith and devotion.

Benefits of Sankat Mochan Hanuman Homam

Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamClears hurdles in personal and professional life.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamShields against negative energies and evil influences.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamBoosts confidence, physical and mental strength.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamPromotes healing and overall well-being.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamEnhances chances of success in all pursuits.

Day 02: Saptarishi Linga Homam

Cherishes with Bliss, Contentment, Radiance, Wards Off Evil, Negativity and Adversities

Scheduled Live Stream on April 02, 2024 @ 6 PM IST / 5:30 AM PST / 8:30 AM EST


Significance of Saptarishi Linga Homam

Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga Homam

The Saptarishi Linga Homam embodies the quintessence of ancient wisdom and spiritual profundity. It weaves together the celestial energies of seven distinct yet interconnected Homams dedicated to the Saptarishis. They are the illustrious sages who are revered in Vedic tradition. This grand confluence includes the Atrishvara, Maricishvara, Pulaheshvara, Pulastyeshvara, Angirasheshvara, Vashishtheshvara, and Kritavishvara Linga Homams, each a tribute to the respective sage's contribution to spiritual knowledge and practice. This collective ritual reason the combined divine frequencies emanating from these seven energy vortices, creating a powerful spiritual matrix. The significance of the Saptarishi Linga Homam surpasses ordinary worship. It facilitating a deep connection with the cosmic consciousness and channeling the ancient sages' blessings. Through this synergistic ceremonial practice, devotees engage in a sacred dialogue with the universe. They seek enlightenment, purification, and the fulfilment of spiritual aspirations. The Saptarishi Linga Homam is thus a lighthouse of divine light. It illuminates the path to higher wisdom and universal harmony.


Atrishvara Linga Homam - Brings Glory, Perseverance, Divine Grace, and Happiness

The significance of Atrishvara Linga Homam extends beyond its mythological origins. It offers lessons on the virtues of faith, sacrifice, and the power of prayer. It celebrates the endurance of the human spirit when aligned with divine will. It highlights how sincere devotion and selflessness can lead to divine blessings and alleviate suffering. The Homam, a ritualistic fire ceremony dedicated to the Atrishvara Linga, becomes a conduit for devotees to connect with the divine, seeking prosperity, spiritual growth, and relief from adversities. This tradition not only commemorates the historical penance of Sage Atri and Anusuya but also serves as a source of hope and faith for devotees. It denotes the potential of human-divine synergy to overcome challenges and foster communal well-being.

Benefits of Atrishvara Linga Homam

Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamEnhances spiritual awareness and connection.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamPromotes abundance and alleviates scarcity.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamOffers physical and emotional purification.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamIncreases spiritual merit and well-being.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamShields against negative energies.



Maricishvara Linga Homam - A Beacon of Enlightenment, Divine Connectivity, and Spiritual Renaissance

The Maricishvara Linga Homam outperforms mere ritualistic practices. It offers a bridge to the divine, infused with the potent energies of Kashi. It is a spiritual story that celebrates the fusion of human dedication with celestial grace, epitomized by Marichi’s meditation. This Homam serves as a divine connection for individuals seeking enlightenment. It nurtures a deeper connection with the universal consciousness. It is an invocation of Maricishvara’s energy, facilitating a transformational journey towards spiritual clarity, divine wisdom, and a fortified connection with the ethereal realm. The ceremony not only honors Marichi's spiritual legacy but also empowers participants to transcend worldly limitations. It nurtures a sanctified space for personal growth, inner peace, and enlightenment.

Benefits of Maricishvara Linga Homam

Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamElevates spiritual insight and cosmic awareness.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamInvigorates divine connection and celestial guidance.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamFacilitates inner peace and mental clarity.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamStrengthens spiritual resolve and enlightenment.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamProtects from spiritual and terrestrial adversities.



Pulaheshvara Linga Homam - Invoking Divine Energy, Enlightenment, Protection, and Prosperity

The Pulaheshvara Linga Homam outshines its historical and mythological significance. It offers a pathway to divine connection, enlightenment, and universal harmony. It celebrates the indomitable spirit of devotion. It showcases the power of spiritual practices when aligned with the divine essence of Lord Shiva. This sacred fire ceremony serves as a spiritual gateway for devotees. It facilitates a profound communion with higher consciousness and inviting divine blessings into one’s life. Through the reverent flames of the Homam, devotees are endowed with a sense of peace, spiritual clarity, and protection against life’s adversities. The Pulaheshvara Linga Homam, therefore, is not just a ritual but a spiritual experience that fosters inner growth, fortitude, and the flowering of divine grace in the lives of those who partake in its sacred offerings.

Benefits of Pulaheshvara Linga Homam

Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamIgnites spiritual awakening and divine connectivity.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamBestows wisdom and enlightenment, paving the way for inner peace.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamOffers protection against malefic influences and negativities.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamPromotes health, wealth, and prosperity in the devotee’s life.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamEnhances harmony, promoting personal and communal well-being.



Pulastyeshvara Linga Homam - Illuminates Path to Enlightenment, Harmony, Divine Wisdom, and Protection

The essence of Pulastyeshvara Linga Homam transcends the physical realms. It offers a profound insight into the journey of spiritual evolution and the attainment of higher consciousness. It embodies the quest for eternal wisdom, harmony with the cosmic principles, and protection against the vicissitudes of life. This Homam serves as a spiritual gateway for devotees to imbibe the teachings of sage Pulastya. It nurtures an environment of peace, enlightenment, and divine wisdom. The ritualistic fire ceremony dedicated to the Pulastyeshvara Linga paves the way for devotees to connect with the divine, seeking guidance in their spiritual journey, protection from adversities, and alignment with the cosmic rhythm. It is a celebration of the divine legacy of sage Pulastya, encouraging followers to pursue a path of righteousness, self-discovery, and unity with the universal spirit.

Benefits of Pulastyeshvara Linga Homam

Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamEnlightens the spiritual path and enhances inner wisdom.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamNurtures harmony with the cosmic energies and universal principles.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamBestows divine protection and guidance in life's journey.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamEncourages the pursuit of truth and self-realization.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamPromotes peace, well-being, and spiritual growth.



Angirasheshvara Linga Homam - Enlightenment, Wisdom, Cosmic Connection, and Spiritual Liberation

The Angirasheshvara Linga Homam surpasses mere ritualistic worship. It embodies the principles of divine wisdom, the pursuit of knowledge, and the alignment with cosmic rhythms. It echoes Sage Angiras's quest for universal well-being. Through the sacred fire ceremony, devotees are invited to immerse in the vibrational energies of the Linga. It fosters a profound connection with the higher realms of consciousness. This Homam serves not only as a homage to the sage's legacy but also as a catalyst for personal and collective transformation. It encourages devotees to transcend earthly limitations and embrace their spiritual essence.

Benefits of Angirasheshvara Linga Homam

Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamElevates spiritual insight and enlightenment.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamPromotes intellectual clarity and wisdom.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamDeepens the connection with cosmic energy.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamFacilitates the removal of obstacles in the pursuit of knowledge.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamEnhances protection against spiritual delusion and ignorance.



Vashishtheshvara Linga Homam - A Conduit for Enlightenment, Divine Connection, and Purification

The Vashishtheshvara Linga Homam is not merely a ritual but a spiritual gateway that outperforms the ordinary. It offers a direct communion with the divine energies. It embodies the essence of Sage Vashishtha's enlightened penance and serves as a medium for devotees to imbibe the virtues of wisdom, devotion, and purity. This Homam is a profound invocation of divine blessings, aimed at purifying the soul, enhancing spiritual insight, and facilitating a deeper connection with the cosmic consciousness. It is a celebration of divine grace, wisdom, and the indomitable spirit of devotion. It guides the devotees towards a path of righteousness, spiritual liberation, and unconditional surrender to the divine will. Through the Vashishtheshvara Linga Homam, devotees seek to emulate Sage Vashishtha's devotion, drawing upon the divine energies to fight away the complexities of life with grace and spiritual fortitude.

Benefits of Vashishtheshvara Linga Homam

Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamElevates spiritual consciousness and divine connection.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamNurtures wisdom, inner peace, and enlightenment.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamFacilitates purification of the soul and negation of karmic debts.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamBlesses with divine guidance and protection from adversities.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamStrengthens the bond with cosmic energies, enhancing life's harmony and balance.



Kritavishvara Linga Homam - A Gateway to Spiritual Liberation, Divine Blessings, and Harmonic Resonance

Embarking on the Kritavishvara Linga Homam is a journey towards inner peace, divine connection, and the removal of obstacles on the path of spiritual and worldly pursuits. This sacred fire ceremony is an invocation of the highest spiritual energies resident within the Kritavishvara Linga. It offers a unique opportunity for devotees to immerse themselves in a field of divine vibrations. Participants in the Homam experience an unparalleled sense of unity with the cosmos. They receive blessings that nurture spiritual liberation, enhance life force energy, and purify the soul. The Kritavishvara Linga Homam is not merely a ritual but a profound spiritual practice that embodies the essence of divine communion. It offers solace, guidance, and the potential for divine transformation to those who seek with a pure heart.

Benefits of Kritavishvara Linga Homam

Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamFacilitates a profound connection with the divine, enhancing spiritual intuition and clarity.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamBestows peace and harmony, alleviating turmoil in the seeker's internal and external worlds.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamEmpowers individuals with the strength to overcome karmic and worldly challenges.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamInvigorates the aura with positive energy, promoting health and vitality.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamAnchors the soul in spiritual truth and nurtures liberation and enlightenment.

Pradosham Special Rudrabhisekam

Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga Homam

The Pradosham Special Rudrabhisekam harbors a divine essence. This ceremony is a quintessential observance as it epitomizes the profound connection between Lord Shiva and his abode in Kashi, especially during the auspicious Pradosham period. It encapsulates a tradition where the cosmic dance of Lord Shiva absorbs and annihilates all forms of negativity. This symbolizes the cyclical nature of creation and destruction. The Rudrabhisekam, conducted during this sanctified time, acts as a spiritual medium. Through it, devotees offer their prayers and oblations directly to Lord Shiva. They engage in a timeless ritual that outperforms the ordinary into the realm of the extraordinary. This ritual emphasizes on the relentless faith of the devotees. Their devotion is crystallized through the sacred act of abhisekam (ritual bathing of the lingam). It is considered a direct offering to the divine, embodying their desires, sorrows, and aspirations for spiritual liberation.

Benefits of Pradosham Special Rudrabhisekam

Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamDissolves negative karma and liberates from the cycle of birth and death.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamInvokes divine grace, paving the way for spiritual growth and enlightenment.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamBestows prosperity, health, and happiness, aligning life with divine will.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamEnhances mental clarity, focus, and inner peace plus nurtures a harmonious life.
Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga HomamProtects against adverse influences and creates a shield of spiritual energy.

Pooja at Kedareshwar Mahadev Energy Centre
Brings Glory, Serendipity and Peace - A Sanctuary for the Soul's Journey

Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga Homam

Kedareshwar Mahadev Energy Centre is a powerhouse of divine power. Each pooja performed here surpasses the ordinary and touches the core of celestial energy. Devotees find solace, their prayers becoming whispers in the cosmic winds. It's a place where faith solidifies, and the divine listens, transforming lives with blessings untold. Harmony with the universe is not just a wish here in fact it's a realization. The essence of Kedareshwar Mahadev Energy Centre radiates through its ancient rituals. It offers a sanctuary for those seeking guidance and protection. Here, every chant and every flame kindles deeper understanding and connection to the divine. This sacred space is a tribute to the enduring power of faith and the deep peace it can bestow upon us. As the spiritual ambiance envelops you, this pooja becomes a step closer to enlightenment. It is a solid and sacred bridge between the earthly and the divine.


Energized Banalingam Worship
Harmonize Your Spirit, Manifest Your Destiny, Embrace the Sacred Pulse of the Cosmos

Bindu Madhava with Saptarishi Linga Homam

The Energized Banalingam Worship is a sacred and divine spiritual practice. It is a journey into the heart of divine resonance. In the presence of the energized Banalingam, devotees find a direct path to attain cosmic vibrations. This sacred stone is emblematic of Lord Shiva's boundless energy. It becomes a mirror reflecting one's innermost desires for spiritual growth and healing. It is a ritual of divine change, where the transient touches the eternal, and life’s vibrations reconcile with the universal pulse. The Energized Banalingam worship unlocks celestial energy and shields the devotees. It illuminates dark paths and guides with light, spiritual awakening and consciousness.

Budget Package Combo (Upto 2 Devotees)
USD 160.00
Gold Package Combo (Upto 6 Devotees)
USD 275.00
Platinum Package Combo (Upto 10 Devotees)
USD 333.00