
Maha Yagya Package (2 Days) - USD 2,820.00

Most Powerful & Rare Yagya Appeases All gods To Fulfill Wishes & Uplift Life

Soma Maha Homam

Find Abundance, Sound Health, Great Strength & Victory

Soma Yagya Attracts All Gods Blessings to Fulfill Wishes & Uplift Life

The Soma Yagya is so powerful that it appease all gods of the Vedic pantheon. From demi gods to the Supreme entity it pays obeisance and sees that your future is so full of abundance, sound health, great strength and victory. It also paves way for life upliftment.

There are many elucidations to Soma. But the core essence is that it produces happiness, peace, enthusiasm and relaxation.

It also refers to Moon because Somavar is Monday or Moon day. In ancient scripts, in many places, soma calls upon god to provide everyone with peace, satisfaction, bliss and global vision. It also asks Soma to create medicines that heal, to create water that quenches thirst, to eradicate darkness from this world.  Soma sometimes intoxicates so that we complete engage ourselves in the devotion to God.

Soma Yagya Sends Out Powerful Vibes that Brings Success Every Year

Soma Yagya

If you want to rule the world in your own terms then Soma Yagya is the thing to do. It not only benefits the sponsors of the yagya, but also sends out vibrations of love and peace upon the entire planet. This is a Vedic method of purifying and balancing the planet. The yagya got its name from the soma plant, that is a delicacy of the gods and this is offered as an oblation to the fire. The yagya bestows prosperity to the entire living beings in the universe. It bolsters universal harmony and brotherhood among mankind. The Soma Yagya imparts vigour, vitality and effectiveness to medicines that have lost their qualities due to passage of time and have undergone deterioration due to various reasons. Soma is bliss and the Yagya Devatas grant everything that the devotee pines for.

The yagya gives importance to all four Vedas and does not limit itself to a particular individual alone but humanity as a whole. So this New Year, let’s pray not for self, but for the entire human race because when the world is at peace there will be peace within you too.


What Blessings you Get from all Gods Through Soma Yagya:-

  • Soma awards prosperity & heavenly blessings to the society at large.
  • It appeases all gods that bestow you with abundance, sound health, great strenght and victory.
  • Soma vibrations transforms everyone to be good and encourages universal harmony and brotherhood.
  • It provides an extra powerful uplift of healing power as Soma is a kind of elixir that boosts health.
  • The yagya prevents depression and tensions so that you can stay foccussed and clear in all your important activities.
  • Attain good progeny that are intelligent with this mega ritual.
  • Get a disease free environment devoid of toxins and dangerous pollutants

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Maha Yagya Package (2 Days)
USD 2,820.00