
3 Hours Package - USD 575.00
5 Hours Package - USD 1,299.00
Maha Yagya Package (2 Days) - USD 2,820.00

Ketu Homam

Living A Trouble Free Life

Ketu is a nodal snake planet in the planet system which causes tremendous impacts in a person’s life. It gives both positive and negative effects in a horoscope which helps to live a problem less life. The transition and wrong position of ketu planet in a birth chart may lead to several issues which cannot be resolved quickly. Ketu homam is a suitable for overcoming the negative effects to a larger extent. This homam also helps for pacifying ketu planet to minimize complications.

Why Ketu Homam?   

  • Ketu homam plays a key role in removing the obstacles in life for ensuring success while carrying out important activities.
  • Furthermore, one can be able to reduce malefic effects of planets in a horoscope with this homam.
  • People who want to get peace of mind from mental worries and other problems can choose this homam for achieving goals.
  • Also, it brings happiness and prosperity in life by removing negative forces.

Benefits of Ketu Homam

  • Ketu homam is a suitable one for living a healthy life by minimizing diseases.
  • Moreover, it is possible to get blessings from lord Ketu to live a trouble free life.
  • Another advantage of this homam is that it provides methods for experiencing positive energies to witness desired outcomes.
  • Ketu dosha can be removed with this homam to ensure happiness and prosperity in life.

Organizing Ketu Homam

Ketu homam can be organized with Vedic folks, a leading Vedic company which offers high quality services. Experienced priests and scholars will help to organize the homam with powerful mantras followed by fire rituals. Online services are available for booking homam in advance. One can also perform the homam after analyzing the birth chart in a horoscope to obtain optimum results.        


Watch your Homam on LIVE VF TV clicking on the link below after booking your schedule

3 Hours Package
USD 575.00
  • No of Priest - 2
  • Up to 1008 Ahurthis
Maha Yagya Package (2 Days)
USD 2,820.00
  • No of Priest - 07 to 10 Priest
  • Up to 125000 Ahurthis