USD 275.00


Sri Arka Ganapathy Homam: (Lead your Life with Happiness)


Who is Arka Ganapathy?


Human life is designed with struggles. Struggles and hurdles are in surplus store for every human being. However hard one may try with all the courage and confidence, they are sure to arrive at one point in life where a strong force is needed to encounter these struggles. This one stop point is Lord Arka Ganapathi himself. Praising him and remembering him through his special Homa brings you close to that one stop point- and then be rest assured, you are struggle free in life. At the least, some super power will mark a period to all your struggles and imbibe in you the strength to encounter, come what may!


Why Arka Ganapathy Homam?  


Everyone fears of struggles. Lord Ganesha is the deity who can help you cut through such struggles – pray to him and win him on your side. Say no to struggles in life once and for all!


Benefits and Significance


Not only will you get rid of struggles in life, but you’ll be able to prosper in any deed that you start with when you infuse Lord Arka Ganapathi into the Homa. All your deeds will be successful. Do remember, not only for bigger tasks or aims, but even for your daily chores He will come handy and stand by your side – be sure to be wrapped with supreme power through him!


Assistance from Vedic Folks


We at Vedic Folks are proud to possess the most authoritative experts who have the knowledge and ease to invoke these powerful radiations of Sri Arka Ganapathi, who can give power to out away your troubles.


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Even though there are fixed timings to conduct such Homas, your horoscope will be analyzed by our Vedic Astrologers, according to which the time slots are arranged.

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