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Sarpa Dosha Nivarana Homam

Nullifies Negative Effects of Dosha & Repair Ancestral Karma by Worshiping Rahu and Ketu


Rahu and Ketu are the most dreaded planets in astrology due to their strong Karmic affiliations. Vedic astrology strongly believes in their effects and all natal charts are designed based on their position. The two are considered the nodes of moon and are imaginary in nature. 

Kalasarpa dosha is mostly hereditary and its effects are seen only during Vimshottari dasas which is the most accurate and logical method to predict the exact time of past, present and future events. For all your queries, like when you will buy a house, get a job, get married or have children, the answers are revealed by looking at either the planetary transits or Vimshottari dasha period.

The negative effects of Kalasarpa dosha can be rectified by performing remedies like yagya and pujas, sarpa dosha on the other hand needs to be carefully analysed and its remedies are quite complex to carry out.

Reasons For Sarpa or Naga Dosha

Vedic astrology foretells many reasons for Naga dosha or Sarpa dosha.

Occult or black magic practices of ancestors, killing an unborn child, slaying serpents, injustice to spiritually influenced women, destroying temples or idols due to prejudice or hate etc.

Vedicfolks is performing the Sarpa Dosha Nivarana Yagya on 25 July 2020 on the day of Naga Panchami, considered to be auspicious for Snake Gods. The yagya is important as it helps to overcome all problems in life and it normalises the malefic effects of Rahu and Ketu to a large extent. It provides scope for the unmarried and disturbing incidents are prevented from taking place.

Benefits of Sarpa Dosha Nivarana Homam

  • Provides professional and personal stability
  • Removes hurdles from the path
  • Provides harmony and peace of mind
  • Malefic effects of planets are minimised
  • Financial problems are solved
  • Relief from other malefic effects of Kaal Sarp dosha
  • Obstacles in path of success are removed
  • The unmarried get their life partners and
  • The unemployed get job

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