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Dasamahavidya Maha yagna

Ten Goddesses And Their Goodness At Once!

The History Behind Dasamahavidya Maha Yagna

Undoubtedly, the most powerful of yagyas is Dasamahavidya yagya. If mediocrity doesn’t suffice you, then this Homa is simply meant for you. Read in great detail here.

This Dasamahavidya yagya is to invoke the 10 manifestations of the supreme feminine power. There are supposedly 10 goddesses who cover up the whole concept of divinity ranging from the subtle to the extremely supreme power, which can sometimes be terrific too.

The ten Mahavidyas are also called the wisdom goddesses. Maha denotes great and vidya signifies knowledge. The origin of these goddesses is rather a very interesting story. Daksha Prajapathi, the father of Sati, had organised a huge yagya for which he did not invite Lord Shiva, the consort of Sati.

The king considered his son-in-law as someone uncivilised because he sat in graveyards and dressed like a beggar. Shiva refrained sati from taking part in the yagya but she was stubborn. Shiva compelled her and Sati insisted that she must go.  She was furious and her eyes turned red and bright and limbs trembled. 

Seeing her fuming, the Lord closed his eyes and opened them. To his horror, there stood a fearful form before him that changes itself and becomes old her graceful self disappearing. She develops four arms, her complexion becomes dark and her hair messy, her lips are wet with sweat and her tongue lolls out and moves from side to side. She is cloth less except for a garland of severed heads and she wears the half moon as a crown. She sparkles like million rising suns and the whole world reverberates with her shattering laughter. Seeing this, Lord Shiva tries to flee the scene but is stopped by the ten forms at ten different exit points. These ten aspects came to be known as Mahavidyas.

The wisdom goddesses manifest themselves in different stages of consciousness. From fierce to calm, these incarnations are revered by tantric practitioners all over the world.

The divine mothers are no one other than Goddess Kali, Tara, Tripura Sundhari, Bhuvaneshwari, Bhairavi, Chinnamastha, Dhumavathi, Bagalamukhi, Mathangi and Kamala.

Each Of These Goddesses Resembles A Particular Trait And They Are As Follows

1.Maha Kali: The goodness that destroys evil power

2.Tara Devi : The universe bearer and boundless space

3.Sadhoshi/ Tripura Sundari : The symbolification of purity and wholesomeness

4.Bhuvaneshwari: The symbol of being against materialistic world

5.Bhairavi: The teacher of a desireless and temptationless world

6.Chinnamastha: The symbolization of self-sustenance

7. Dhumavathi: The Goddess who preached destruction by fire against the harmful

8. Bagalamukhi: The Goddess who taught living against jealousy, hatred and cruelty

9. Matangi: The power of domination

10.Kamala Devi : TheGoddess of fortune

    1. MahaKali -  The Goddess That Destroys Evil Power

She is dark, denoting the womb of the universe from which all creatures are born and into which they will finally return. Her hair is let loose. One of her four hands clutches a demon’s severed head dripping blood and the other holds a curved sword representing knowledge. She wears a garland of 51 skulls and a girdle of dismembered arms to show that the body is false and the spirit or soul is real. Her colour does not apply to her as an evil form, but denotes the pure and invisible energy. She always presents herself when evil rears its ugly head and destroys it for righteousness to prevail.

    2.Taradevi - The Universe Bearer And Boundless Space

   Tara is blue; her tongue is fearfully popping out and looks terrifying. Her hair is tangled like snakes hanging straightdown and is dressed in a tiger’s skin. On her head are five half moons. She has three eyes, four arms, a large protruding belly, and stands on a corpse. She has four arms in which she holds a lotus, a sword, a drinking bowl, and a bell. Tara is the illuminator, she lights up all our attitudes. Kali and Tara are almost similar except for slight variations.

3.Sadoshi/Tripura Sundari - The Symbolification Of Purity And Wholesomeness

She is a symbol of purity and wholesomeness. She is the most beautiful of the three worlds and hence the name. She is represented as a sixteen year old girl who is believed to personify sixteen types of desires. And her mantra consists of the same number of syllables. Her body is well garlanded by numerous fine ornaments. She is also the representation of creation, preservation and destruction and considered as the image of sixteen modifications of desires. Usually she is found sitting on a lotus that is placed on a throne. She emerges out of her consort, Lord Shiva’s third eye.

Even though she belongs to the Kali family, she is considered as the most important Mahavidya. Goddess Lalitha is the combination of eternal grace, knowledge and determination. Thus she spreads the light of pleasure, sympathy and awareness to her devotees.

4.Bhuvaneshwari - The Symbol Of Being Against Materialistic World

Bhuvaneswari appears with a smiling face. She has four hands; two blesses the devotees while the other two holds the noose to draw the devotee closer to her, and the goad to rid the devotee of their sufferings.  She is mainly associated with the earth and the physical world. It is clear that the goddess is an attempt by the human mind to give form to the formless Brahman. She has all the conceivable noble qualities that human mind can think of and she is believed to fulfil all the wishes of her devotees.

5.Bhairavi - The Teacher Of A Desireless And Temptationless World

She is three-eyed and has a radiant complexion. Sometimes she turns black and has a crescent moon on her forehead. She wears a garland of human skulls, with snakes crawling around and the rudraksha beads. Her hair is dishevelled, black, thick and long. She has four hands, one holds a sword, the other a bowl, the third and fourth gesture as if to bless her devotees. She has no fear of death and lives among corpses in cremation grounds. She is unconquerable.

6.Chinnamastha - The Symbolization Of Self-Sustenance

This is a decapitated form holding her own head in one hand and a blood stained sword in the other. From the necks oozes out three fountains of blood that flows into the mouths of her companions Dakini and Varnini and the third flows into her own torso-less head.  She has immense self-control and is considered a yogi of the finest sense. The goddess stands as symbol of supreme sacrifice, free from desire and capable of spiritual advancement. 

7.Dhumavathi - The Goddess Who Preached Destruction By Fire Against The Harmful

she is a poverty-stricken form and emerges from smoke and hence the name. Dhum means smoke. She has no grace, wealth, radiance or charm. Her clothes are untidy and hair unkempt. Mythology states that once she devoured Lord Shiva as she was extremely hungry. Since Shiva represents the universe on the whole she had nothing left to eat and finally puked him out. She fell a victim to His curse and thus roamed about as a desolate, fearsome and eternal widow. She helps get rid of foes, earn relief form diseases, poverty and unfavourable situations. Her worship also removes negative planetary effects.

8.Bagalamukhi - The Goddess Who Taught Living Against Jealousy, Hatred And Cruelty 

The name refers to one whose face has the power to conquer or control. She is seen as the ultimate weapon to destroy the enemies. She has the power to paralyse all evil forces. Many consider her as the goddess of black magic but it’s not true: she only protects her devotees from evil effects and controls, nullifies and destroys the enemy. She is regarded as a beautiful goddess despite her ferocity. She is positively the goddess of black magic and poisons. She helps to conquer the tongue and the mind. The goddess also blesses her devotees in the form of immense power, supremacy, and dominance. Also, they gain ability to create a strong influence over others. 

9.Matangi -  The Power Of Domination

Goddess Matangi is an outcast goddess who bestows her devotees the power to win over their enemies and excessive knowledge in the field of education and arts. She also empowers her devotees with listening and speaking skills. She strengthens the sun which provides health, will power and the fortune of inheriting ancestral property.  The goddess also showers her devotees incredible power of speech and listening skills.

10.Kamala Devi - 
The Goddess Of Fortune

The lotus goddess is very beautiful and is called as Tantrik Lakshmi and represents wealth, prosperity, good luck and fertility. She resides in pure and sacred places and sits and sleeps on a lotus that symbolises purity and auspiciousness. And also the flower signifies perfection and so does Kamala Devi.



Dasa Mahavidya is a very big yagya. It should be perform atleast 2 days as per standared vedic scriptures.

 1st day full of japa with 1,25,000 Ahurthis for all 10 divine mothers Goddess Mahakali, Goddess TaraDevi, Goddess Tripurna Sundari, Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, Goddess Bhairavi, Goddess Chinnamasta, Goddess Matangi, Goddess Dhumavathi, Goddess Bagalamukhi, Goddess Kamala Devi

2nd day Fire Ritual/Maha Yagya

For each day 10 priests are performing.

Program Agenda

Day 1

Prathana, Ganesha Puja, Doopam Deepam Neyvetyam, Karpoora Aarthi/Deeparathana, Mantra Pushpham for Ganesha, Sankalpa to Ejamanars/Sponsors, Yadhasthanam, Kalasa Avahanams, Archana for Avahana Devadas, Doopam Deepam Neyvetyam Deeparathana, Rudram, Chamakam, Purusa Suktham, Narayana Suktham, Durga Suktham, Sri Suktham, Bhakya Suktham, Shanthi Panchakam, Pavamana Suktham, Ayusha Suktham, bhairava Puja and japa for respective mahavidyas, Dasa mahavidya Japa with 1,25,000 Ahurthis(Moola mantra Japa for all the 10 divine mothers),

Day 2

Agni Invocation, Ganesha Homam, Parivara Devada Homam, bhairava Homa for respective mahavidyas Dasa Mahvidya Maha Homam for all maha vidyas, Doopam Deepam Neyvetyam Deeparathana, Namaskaram, Maha Purna Huthi, Kalasa Deeparathana/Maha Deeparathana, Mantra Pushpam, Yadhasthanam, Kalasa Purochanam/Holy Water, Maha Prasadams, Final Namaskaram Process/Blessings from Bramanas.

What Exactly Is A Dasamahavidhya Maha Yagya?

No man has the power to dominate over the world. It is meant for every living and non-living creature that resides in it. And, it is to be considered as the most sacred form of life that makes infinite number of lives possible on it. To teach the world, the concept of selflessness and much more, a grand homa is conducted to the Dasamahavidyas, so as to spread attention, power, and energy. This Homa comes handy in declaring and empowering one’s devotion towards the holy mothers who are the driving force of primordial life.

What Is So Special About Dasamahavidya Maha Yagya?

Intense power through the homa rituals with the most authentic ways to invoke each of the mahavidyas is the super specialty of this homa. Performing this homa is of great importance and not everyone will get the chance to witness the divine force and energy being celebrated at one sphere—in Lord Agni. This Homa by itself is a very rare and powerful sight, both for the people conducting it and for the ones who are witnessing it. In fact, success, power and selflessness are instant results to the viewers of this Homa. 

Who Does The Dasamahavidya Maha Yagna?

The Dasamahavidya Homa being one of the strongest among the royal homas, it demands exceptional spiritual powers and knowledge in the person who performs it. The holy priests who have attained superconsciousness through the divine feminine energy are the only people who have the capacity to conduct this maha yagya.The energy derived out of this Homa  is very awakening  and has tremendous powersto change anything and everything about a person’s life at one and instantly. This high risk-high return worship and is supremely dangerous but very rewarding. Therefore, a very few priests who have been appraising the mahavidyas for heredities together now, are the only capable sanctified souls who can perform this homa. Complete power of your destiny is possible through this only homa.

Finally, What’s In Store For You?

You must remember that there’s in store abundance not only for you, but for the whole globe that you live, travel and thrive in. The abundance refers to almost everything including peace, serenity, calmness and happiness across the earth. It is just in the good hearts of a very few to participate and donate in such global Homas.

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