USD 150.00


Lifetime Curse Removal Reading Interactive Session

Get Rid Of Negative Energies & Free Yourself from Karmic Debts 


Table of Convered Theme in the Session:

  • Birth details and astrological details.
  • Birth chart & divisional charts.
  • Your query or concern.
  • Planetary alignment.
  • Curse and affect:
  • Overall Affect
  • Appeasing the planets
  • ‘Initial Remedy’ for your “KARMIC” problem
  • Karma Remedies to solve the current issues.
  • Gemstone recommendation for your well being- if required.
  • Rudraksha Recommendation for your growth – if required.
  • Homas and temple puja will be suggested to overcome negativity – if required.
  • Mantras – For your Success in this birth to solve problems for lifetime.
  • Mantras for quick redemption of problems.

A curse is a statement meant to annoy a person for his wrong deeds. It is a harsh, unpleasant language spoken to demean or belittle a person so that supernatural forces act in order to destroy them. Our saints and deities had the power to curse or bless people. For your better understanding curse is a negative energy that needs channelizing or removal so that it can become positive. One needs to be cautious of curses as it can destroy them completely.

A particular exasperating situation may have triggered the curse. In a general context, curse is destructive and whoever is cursed has to face negative or adverse kind of situations.

There are several kinds of curses, which could be foreseen in the form of supernatural powers such as spell, tantra, spirit or a belief system, black magic, evil forces etc. To prevent danger, it is suggested that a curse be removed by performing preventive measures.

Vedicfolks provides exact and precise solutions for curse, and lifetime curse removal readings give you exact details of the type of curse you have to deal with and how to get out from this curse without affecting the present time frame.

Our prominent Vedic astrologers guide you in the right direction so you get desired results from your present life.

Incidentally, a curse may be connected with your previous birth and present birth as well, knowingly and unknowingly we are cursed, so certainly this particular lifetime curse removal report give you the exact road map to find positive substances in your personal, professional, financial and domestic sectors.

As per astrological view, the 5th house is connected with previous birth, 9th house is related to present birth luck and fortunes. The liberation aspect would be foreseen from 12th house, which is also called liberation and spiritual house and it also has strong connection with your past life.

Along with this, the Panchamsha D5 shows the inner spiritual nature and ethics. The Vimshamsha D20 shows spiritual practices and affiliations on your own. These charts give a positive clarity to get rid of all the negative substances from your life.

Basically, you will get the exact curse and the effect of all the curses, which you have in your birth chart. Overall damaging effects of your birth chart would be analysed and predicted accordingly.

We actually guide you to appease the negative or malefic planets to make it stronger, so you will become free from every karmic debt and curse effects as well.

Feel free to Reach Dr Navnit in Social Media




