USD 150.00



Anemia Treatment in Medical Astrology


Anemia is one of the serious diseases; it is caused by extreme iron deficiency in the body. Our body needs a bulk of iron to make haemoglobin which further facilitates oxygen to move in the entire body. Blood loss, less red blood cell production, and extreme red blood cell destruction also result in anemia. The disease majorly targets women because of menstruation. Anemia results in fatigue, short breath, chest pain, dizziness, malaise, etc and hampers the entire functioning of the body. There are certain astrological elements and negative influences in horoscopes that cause Anemia.

Reasons behind Anemia according to Astrological perspective

Here are a few reasons in astrology that either lead to anemia or intensifies its present conditions -

  • Certain afflictions in the positioning of Mars in the horoscope lead to anemia.
  • The persecution of the Sun by some malefic elements can create snemia.
  • The afflictions in the alignment of Ketu in horoscope can either cause anemia or can aggravate anemic symptoms.
  • The afflicted combination of Mars and Moon in the horoscope intensifies anemia issues.
  • The placement of Mars in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house can aggravate anemia and its symptoms.

Significance of Astrology in identification and management of Anemia

Astrology not only helps in recognizing the anemia cases; it also assists in managing and curing them. The astrological study states that wearing iron kada helps in managing anemia effectively. Adorning yellow and coral sapphire also facilitates anemia administration.

Are you searching for a firm that will help you in managing anemia, then contact us. Our firm will help you in just discerning the root cause of your anemia. But, we will also help you in tackling the disease effectively. Our chief astrologer will find out which planet or malicious house in your horoscope is creating anemia problems for you. He will execute the D1 Rashi chart to explore the adverse effects that impact your health and wellness bitterly. The exploration of the D6 Saptamsa Chart focusing on your health will also take place. There will be a thorough investigation of D11 Rudramsa and D60 Shastiamsa to state whether your karmas of past life actions are degrading your current health status.

The good part of our assistance is that our chief astrologer will not only let you know the root causes behind your anemia. He will also help you with suggesting the best remedies along with assistance on implementing them appropriately. There will be suggestions on best Homam, gemstone, yantra, mantra, puja, etc to help you administer anemia with immense proficiency. If you are set to explore the best assistance, then contact us right away and get good assistance on managing and rectifying anemia from an astrological perspective.

Interactive Astrology

All the Interactive reporting services will be handled by our Founder Chief Vedic Scholar Dr. Navnit J Krishna. You will get complete lifetime guidance and his connection once you started using any of his Astrological predictions and remedies. We follow Raja Jyotish and Jaimini’s Methodology of predictions with Advanced Divisional chart analysis to make our predictions close to 90% accuracy.

Dr. Navnit’s linkedin Profile:

How it works?

At Vedicfolks, we have a unique system of Jaimini astrology prediction that involves interactive reporting as follows :

  • We first interact with our client in Zoom.
  • The client can ask any questions related to the topic chosen for the day.
  • An audio recording of the session will be given as a blue print report at the end of the meeting.
  • The report will help the client reflect upon the questions and answers in a profound manner.
  • The report provides key answers to all questions asked to the chief astrologer during the interactive session.
  • Finally, our valued clients have access to an audio file and also a blue print of the entire session with a clear idea of the problems they face and their remedial measures.