USD 150.00


Raja Yoga Prediction Report


Raja Yoga is an empirical terminology, one who experiences the Good fortune of a ruling King, who is leading a successful life. Likewise, during Raja Yoga, the native is believed to have high rise in career, achieving good financial stability in the profession and business especially during the time the planetary position is in the high form which gives rise to "Raja Yoga", is a combination of Gaj–Kaseri Yoga, Shankha Yoga, Mangal- Shukra Yoga, Lakshmi Yoga, Dhana (Prosperity) Yoga and Ubhyachari Yoga.

Raja Yoga is quite auspicious attaining Fullness in Life, Elevation of status, Profession or Career, will naturally reach the top of an organization or a group. These Raja Yogas are known from the placement of planetary position with the highest degree in the birth chart is a royal combination of Nine human Characteristic features and the person who has the highest degree will be filled with joy and celebrating. Raja Yoga gives a good energy to enrich the self and the personality, blessed with Children, successful marriage life, love and affection. In Raja Yoga happiness are derived from the status of well-being calculated from the Birth Chart, the Ascendant and the Rising sign indications. This combination is said to be considered, very auspicious.

Our Raja Yoga Prediction Report provide innumerous combinations of Birth Chart Predictions which can show Regal and Royal Status and show whether the person owning a company or ruling a state, or a Professional in Foreign Land and say many aspects. The Birth Chart also indicates sensitive points of planetary positions highlighting the active quality and strength. The qualities of Raja Yoga are many and cannot be limited to a particular situation. The best of the Raja Yoga is also connected to Sanchita Karama which could be good and bad. If Saturn in the birth chart retrogate, can have a bad time effect of losing the election or position which they were holding.

The Nine Characteristic Features of a person shall be highlighted in this report showing the direct influences on the level of success, will be rightly heading for a beneficial activity if it is ruled by a planet which is in beneficial and favorable position. Suppose the person's birth chart features are seen good, showing high on the benefits, even the malefic effects shall diminish, removes all defects and ill-effects. All this are highlighted in our Raja Yoga Prediction Report in detail. Our report is also making predictions for challenging times, considering all important factors of Raja Yoga before reaching the consolidation. Our team of experts is dedicated to provide the fact of your Birth Chart and the planetary positions of Raja Yoga and provide you an exact frame of mind highlighting all kinds of worldly pleasures.

The formation of Raja Yoga is basically by rules and principles described in various Astrological Texts are very true in their formation and the relative effect. As per the impacts and relative effects, our report explains how the Raja Yoga formed? Will also highlight how to keep the enemies away at a distance, Enrich Strength, Get Victory and does not stop here and make you a very fortunate and enlightened person. You will also be blessed with long life span, turn courageous, wealthy and rich, reaching top heights in your work place. During this time even your expenditure will not shoot up, no bad company, successful ventures and perform good deeds.

How Raja Yoga Can Deliberate Healthy Sign of Prosperity?

  • Sound Consciousness, gives you peace of mind
  • Keep your Spirits high, circum with joy and happiness
  • Gives Positive outlook, Oneness is inevitable
  • Cultivate Devotion, Life is Blissful and Enlightened
  • Justice and Perfection, guide Knowledge and Wisdom
  • Unified Approach, guide your path to Success

How Raja Yoga Prediction Report is a Saver of Fortune?

  • Shall improve your mental stability, gain peace and harmony
  • Liberate you from worldly pleasures, relax your mind and body
  • Seek Ultimate relief, relieve you from Stress and State of Anxiety
  • Bonding improves relationship, dilute weaknesses
  • Gain sense of wellness,  calm your mind from sporadic events
  • Enhance Mind Power, roots for stabilizing the memory


Table of Contents in the Report


Birth Details and Astrological Details

It analyze your personal information with the Birth Chart covering your characteristics and personality.

Birth Chart & Divisional Charts

We provide you the complete details about your Spouse, Career, Health Care, Marital Life, Karma of Past Life, Strength, Details about Children, micro and macro matters, details about Siblings and knowledge.

Your Query or Concern

Answering your query will be our prime motive, clearing your doubts and difficulties. Through our reports provide you the clarity of understanding. Create awareness of your life situations. Customer Centric is our prime motive.

Immediate Raja Yoga

This chart is very important, based on the Birth Chart, which shows how strong is your Planetary Placement for Raja Yoga?

Transit Charts

Our Report provide you the influences of 9th and 10th House who lead a sincere, devoted and righteous life

Redemption of Raja Yoga Period

The Report Provide you the list of obstacles and complexities of mind and body, suggesting remedy.

Raja Yoga by Looking at your D1, D2, D9 and D10 Charts.

Provide you Personal Well-being, Wealth, Wed-Locks and Career Advancement.

Road Map to Get Prosperity

Provide you the Characteristics, Personality, Knowledge and Path to Success

Affective Remedial Measures

This Report shows the influences of internal and external forces and the impact on Self-Realization, Basic Problems and Effects and how to continue the progression?

Karma Remedies to Solve the Current Issues

Aspect of Planets may influence your past Karmas, with our report will know the effects of impact and opposite reactions.

Gemstone Recommendation for Your Well Being

A healing stone, has unlimited power relieve from darkness, bless Prosperity.

Rudraksha Recommendation for Your Happy Marital Life

A precious beads is safe and good to wear and will energies the environment.

Homas and Temple Puja Will be Suggested to Overcome Negativity

Respective Temple worship and Homas clear Doshas for good fortune, growth and success.

Mantras for Quick Redemption of Problems

Invoking the spiritual power, the sounds and recital provide quick healing of mental Stress and Bless sense of well-being.