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Join Special Rituals on Diwali for Ever-Increasing Wealth & Abundance
Scheduled Live on October 19, 2017 6 AM IST


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diwali 2017

Diwali is a time to rejoice and celebrate your auspicious times. It removes darkness from your life and brings light for an ever bright future. Lighting of lamps and scented, artistic candles in homes, worshipping deities Lakshmi and Ganesha to summon health and wealth and bursting crackers are the chief rituals of the festival.


We at Vedicfolks have chosen special rituals for Diwali that are dedicated to specific gods who bestow you with wealth and prosperity.


Sri Maha Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth, prosperity and abundance. She’s compassionate, understands her devotees’ difficulties and grants them all that they desire. Invoking her on the propitious day of Diwali seems very appropriate and beneficial. Lord Kubera is no less. While the goddess offers in plenty it is his duty to protect or guard the wealth. And this is exactly what he does! He looks after your wealth and mind you if you get arrogant or proud, he stops blessing you immediately.


The same goes with Lord Ganapathy who not only showers his wealth on you along with Goddess Lakshmi who adopted Lord Ganesha because she didn’t have any children. Together they shower you with ever increasing wealth and abundance in life.


The Sri Yantra or Sri Chakra is a divine, energised plate which is the abode of multiple deities like Mahadevi, Sri Lakshmi, Durga, Saraswathi, Parvathi, Kali, Navadurga and Mahavidya. A puja to Sri Yantra means invoking all the powers to seek their blessings. The sacred Yantra relieves multiple sufferings and grants wealth and good fortune.


The Swarna Akarshana Bhairava is one of the most powerful gods for blessings of money and gold. A homa to this deity makes certain that you are successful in money matters, removes bad Karma and converts your bad time to good one.


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diwali 2017
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