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🌟Father’s Day: Time to Revere Your Father for His All-Round Health & Well Being
Scheduled Live On June 16, 2019



Father’s Day: Time to Revere Your Father for His All-Round Health & Well Being


Arogya Aishwarya Pashupatham Homam


Achieve Power Blessings of Divine Couples for Material Wealth & Huge Gains in Health


Scheduled Live On June 16, 2019


On father’s day, it is very significant to celebrate the father who actually is an asset to the household as he is the sole breadwinner for his near and dear ones. Vedicfolks will perform the Arogya Aishwarya Pashupatam Homam to mark Father’s day. The ritual takes good care of the health of your father and also provides him prosperity and affluence.


Unique Ritual for Material Prosperity & Health Gains


Aishwaryam is nothing but wealth and prosperity and arogyam is health. Combining both to get their most potential strength is very important and also the need of the hour.


Arogya Aishwarya Pashupatam Homam is very powerful as it invokes the divine couples Lord Vishnu and Goddess Mahalakshmi and also Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi.  Vishnu protects us from all problems, gives good health and increases the life span and his consort grants wealth blessings and prosperity thereby improving the standard of living of a person.

Benefits of Arogya Aishwarya Pashupatham Homam

  • A unique ritual that fetches blessings of powerful divine couples Lord Vishnu and Mahalakshmi, and Lord Shiva and Shakthi.
  • It gives your father a long life and well-being and removes health problems.
  • It relieves you from debt problems and financial imbroglios.
  • It removes unwanted worries and grants peace of mind.
  • It fetches material prosperity and abundance so that you can live a life of comfort and riches.
  • Doshas and past life karmic blocks will be dissolved.


Takes Good Care of the Health of your Father and also Provides Him Prosperity and Affluence.

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