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Invoking the Warrior Goddess Varahi Who Protects from all Tough Evil
Scheduled Live On Feb 05, 2019 at 4:30 AM PT | 7:30 AM ET | 6:00 PM IST


Varahi Maha Homam On 

Magha Gupta Navaratri

Obtain Powerful Protection From All Forms of Enemies & Wicked Forces 


Scheduled Live On  Feb 05, 2019 at 4:30 AM PT | 7:30 AM ET | 6:00 PM IST



Goddess Varahi is a warrior who fights all evil. She paralyses the enemy and all wicked forces or evil spirits. Worshipping Goddess Varahi will remove of all types of black magic, evil eye and negativity. She also ensures that you achieve exalted status in society. 

varahi ,maha homam

.Blessings That You Gain from Varahi Maha Homam


* Paralyse all forms of enemy, remove wicked forces/ evil spirits.

* Get miracle wealth boons from the warrior goddess.

* Attain knowledge, confidence and courage.

* Stay protected from untoward incidents like accidents, ill health and life treats.

* She blesses with fame and good will so that you can boost status in society.

Auspicious Combinations That Make Our Rituals Highly powerful:


Moola Mantra-Energised Red Knotted Thread - Purifies Thoughts for Positivity


Devi Suktam Parayana & Homa - Restores Your Monetary Shortcomings


Raktha Pushpanjali Archana - Strikes Enemy, Removes Fears


Manyu Suktha Japa & Puja - Controls All Negative Emotions & Removes Major Hurdles


Ashta Matrika Puja - Bestows Grace & Boon Of Eight Forms Of Adi Shakti


Varahi Temple Puja - Ensures Your Longevity & Removes Drishti Dosha


Energised Varahi Yantra - For Blessings of Status, Power and Allaying Troubles

varahi maha homam
Thai Amavasya
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