USD 44.00


1 month Business Management Report

Only an entrepreneur is bestowed with the blessing of cultivating the practice of employing the other needy out there, instead of getting to work under someone else. Only when time and planets in a person’s birth chart are better placed, a person can be a successful entrepreneur and can come out with flying colours too.

Our role here is to analyse and research on your planets and time, so as to let you know what’s in store for the next 1 month’s time in 


your business. We can help you analyse each section in great detail and let you know what will be approachable and which business plans you should be postponing. When your profits can be predicted in advance, wouldn’t you want to give it a try to face the real divine experience?

The best part of our service will be that our expert Vedic Consultants will also let you know on what remedies you should be performing to come over all the struggles you will be facing in that 1 month and if your business period is predicted to be successful—they will also suggest appeasing techniques to relevant deities through which you can enhance your profits and come out with more success than what is expected.

Vedic Folks’ advantage: We have a great advantage offered to you. Once you have received your reports with the most important part of it—about the remedies you’ll have to performing to run your business successfully for another month’s time, and you can directly approach us for performing your remedies.  

Vedic Folks’ Promise: You can be assured that all our remedial services are done by experts pertaining to the relative fields. If your presence is required for the remedies performed, you will be called upon for the service and the remedy will be performed in front of you. Though, you can witness remedies performed even when your presence is not essential for that particular service. 

We have proxies who can perform remedies on your behalf and you can be assured that the effects reach you. 

Please note that your reports will be delivered by e-mail within 72 hours. 


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