USD 85.00


Beget Children—Your Numerology Reading
Time is in planets and planets are in movement as per Vedic Science. All is up and running with calculations—calculations are numbers here and this is what we refer to as numerology.
Numerology is the Vedic Science based on numbers and calculations that rule one’s life. When these numbers for life are explored and corrected accordingly, all that you wanted in life will approach you on its own. And to make these numbers work your way and to see you live the best of your life, we possess consultants who master the art and astrology behind numbers. They let you know the numbers of your life and rectify the flaws of the numbers that rule your life, to make your dreams come real.
Vedic Folks’ advantage:

We have a great advantage offered to you. Once you have received your reports with the most important part of it—about the remedies you’ll have to perform to flourish in your life and improve your life with the presence of children, and u can directly approach us for performing your remedies.  
Vedic Folks’ Promise:

You can be assured that all our remedial services are done by experts pertaining to the relative fields. If your presence is required for the remedies performed, you will be called upon for the service and the remedy will be performed in front of you. Though, you can witness remedies performed even when your presence is not essential for that particular service. We have proxies who can perform remedies on your behalf and you can be assured that the effects reach you.  
Get Your Numerology Reading!